Related article: impossible of execution according
to its original conception. The
Boer left had been so much ex-
tended that it was far beyond the
reach of any turning movement,
and for this reason the British
operations became necessarily
more of a piercing than of an
enveloping nature. Hamilton de-
tached part of his force to the
right to engage the Boers, while
Broadwood pushed forward di-
rectly towards the east. A deep
and difficult spruit was crossed
and Broadwood's brigade entered
a wide, smooth, grassy plain,
bounded by hills through which a
gap could be seen in the distance,
marking the road to be followed
and showing where the enemy's
position was to be cut through.
But the Boers were holding the
hills in force and soon opened fire
round three quarters of a circle.
They brought seven guns into
action and, as these were able to
pour in a converging fire, the
cavalry had to face a heavy shower
of projectiles. But Broadwood
pushed on stubbornly. There
^were no obstacle's to the free
movement of his squadrons on the
plain and he hoped to break
through Erectalis Online resistance and to make
good his point. Two horse artil-
lery guns under Lieutenant
Conolly were sent forward with
the view of clearing the way by
their fire and they came into
action on a gentle swell in the
ground. The long grass on the
undulating plain prevented, how-
ever, a very extended view, and
the Boers now showed a dash and
boldness which, through the war,
had been most unusual features
in their tactics. A strong body
rushed forward with the greatest
courage in the hope of bringing
a close-range rifle-fire on the gun-
ners and of taking or disabling
the pieces. Their heads could be
seen within 300 yards, and the
situation became extremely cri-
tical. The horse-artillery guns
were obliged to fire case, a neces-
sity that showed how closely they
were threatened, and it was evi-
dent that something must be done
to extricate them from their peri-
lous position. General Broad wood
called upon the 12th Lancers to
charge, for the enemy were fairly
in the open and it Erectalis Tablets seemed likely
that well led cavalry would now
be able to show its real power.
The continued fire of the last
few hours had, in spite of the
loose formation that had been as-
sumed, caused considerable loss
to the brigade, especially in
horses. Lord Airlie, who com-
manded the 1 2th Lancers, had
just had his horse shot under him,
and had gone to find another. He
returned, however, just in time to
place himself at the head of the
regiment as it formed for the
attack. Alas! that the gallant
corps was in no real case to show
British horsemen at their best.
There were only about 150 men
in the ranks, and they were
mounted on sorry jades indeed,
many of them miserable Argen-
tines, and all over-wearied, worn
out with hard work and scanty
food. But there was no lack of
dash and proud confidence in the
squadrons as they moved forward,
glad at last to have an oppor-
tunity of closing with an enemy
who had eluded them during eight
months of marching and engage-
ments at long rifle-range. The
effect on the Boers was instan-
taneous. Before the levelled lance-
points almost everybody broke
and fled in wild confusion, and if
the horses had been in any way
worthy of the men, the enemy's
loss, severe as it was, would have
been bitterly heavy. A few men
stood boldly, but they could do
nothing, and most of them never
left the field. Everything that
Broadwood required was perfectly
accomplished, Buy Erectalis the guns were saved
and the enemy driven back to the
shelter of the hills. But at what
a price ! The gallant Airlie, be-
loved, honoured, trusted, sans peur
and sans reproche, had seen his last
fight. When the work of the
charge was done, anxious to with-
draw his regiment before it be-
came too much involved, he gave
the order to retire, and, as it left
his lips, he fell smitten to death —
a worthy end for a most gallant
soldier. Lieutenant Wright was
also killed, bravely leading his
men, and seventeen rank and file
fell doing their duty with the
colonel and the subaltern.
Immediately after this, there
was heavy pressure on Broad-
wood's right. Buy Erectalis Online A large number of
Boers had swooped down and
occupied a kraal and some grassy
ridges, from which they could
bring a heavy enfilading fire to
bear on the cavalry brigade.
Another emergency presented it-
self, and most men might have
shown some excitement and anxi-
ety. But Broad wood remained
cool and impassive, though two
horses had been killed under him
within a very short time. He gave
the quiet order to the Household
Cavalry, " Clear them out." The
tall troopers did not at first realise
what was wanted, and, thinking
that they were only again to play
the weary old rdle of dismounted
riflemen, began to leave their
saddles. The General sent them
a second message that this was
no time for rifle flre, and that they
must charge sword in hand. No-
thing could have given greater
delight to the Life Guardsmen
than this unhoped • for chance.
They thrust their carbines back
into their buckets, threw them-
selves on horseback, and, for the
first time drawing their long
swords, galloped straight at their
foe. The Boers were really in
overpowering numbers, and might
easily have held their own and
more; but so terrifying was the
appearance of the great soldiers,
cheering like schoolboys at play
and whacking their sorry steeds
with the flat of their weapons,
that resistance melted away, the
enemy ran to their ponies and
disappeared, and, without loss
except that of horseflesh, the
** Householders " rode triumphant
to their goal.
Broadwood's cavalry brigade
had nobly asserted the true value
of its arm and had restored the
situation, but was unable alone to
carry out the Field- Marshal's de-
sign, and it was not until General
Pole-Carew had made himself felt
in the centre and the devoted 82ad
Field Battery had gained a posi-
tion on the heights that the enemy
withdrew from the desperately